February 18, 2021: Thursday After Ash Wednesday

Today's Readings: https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/021821.cfm

Looking back... 

Did we pray only when we needed to? 

Did we pray only when we were lost? 

Did we pray at all when we found ourselves? Or did we forget God? 

Did we get angry at God when we disobeyed and had to face the consequences?

Did we take the time to thank God today and every day? 

Did we take the time aside from our schedules to talk to God? 

Dear God, 

Help me to find You even during times of hope and prosperity. During times when things seem to go my way, let me remember that I have commandments to follow in order to lead a prosperous life. No money or fame will take away from the necessities of faith. If I disobey, help me to find my way back. I affirm that a life with you is a life that's safe and fulfilled. Instill in me an abundance of hope that I may continue in your path and not try to be my own god. That I may hope for brighter days, and a more optimistic outlook, even when all else around me looks dark, and I myself lose a little faith. If I unintentionally forget to devote my time each day to You, help me to acknowledge and follow you, even if others around me do not feel the same or believe in the same faith as I.  

- Katherine Kopec, '21


  1. Thank you, Katherine, for this most profound prayer/conversation with God about the reality of life that often leads us astray from God. Your prayer returns me back to God. Peace.

  2. What a great entry! I cannot speak for everyone, but I want to thank you, Katherine, for helping me to reflect on the power of prayer in good times and in bad.


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