February 19, 2021: Friday after Ash Wednesday

Today's Readings: https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/021921.cfm

 This reading may bring up two fundamental questions: Why to fast and How to fast?

Let us start with answering the question: Why to fast? Eating is a normal part of life. Restricting food intake or abstaining from eating is a disruption of  everyday life. That disruption can lead to two important results: 

1) refocusing our attention, shifting that focus from "same old same old" to God, and 

2) making us experience our own physical vulnerability more keenly which leads us to more clearly recognize our dependence on God.  

The recognition of our dependence on God brings forth fruits of unexpected spiritual beauty. Feeling our dependence brings us closer to Him, so much so that we can feel His presence.  In His life-giving presence our souls start to heal: we begin to recognize our mistakes that may have hurt ourselves or others. Naturally, we become sad and regret those wrongs (mourning and repentance). In the olden times it was recognizable if someone fasted since as the reading mentioned who fasts will "bow his head like a reed and lie in sackcloth and ashes".

Let us consider now the second question: How to fast? The fasting mentioned at the beginning of the reading is not acceptable to God. Although those mentioned may have worn the sackcloth and taken no food, they did not turn away from everyday life. They had no chance then to experience God's presence and the healing that comes from Him.  On the contrary, they still carried out the same daily activities, but since they were hungry they became more irritable "causing quarreling and fighting, striking with wicked claws". The correct fasting then consists of not solely not eating but activities that refocus our attention from everyday life, worldly gains and our own benefits, to that of actions of goodness towards others, such as " Sharing your bread with the hungry, sheltering the oppressed and the homeless; Clothing the naked when you see them". These activities will refocus our attention to lasting treasures of heaven and will produce fruits in our souls: "and your wound shall quickly be healed; Your vindication shall go before you, and the glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard. Then you shall call, and the LORD will answer, you shall cry for help, and he will say: Here I am!"

What a beautiful promise! Let us then reevaluate our priorities this Lenten season. Although we have already made a resolution to give up candy, or not to watch some of our favorite shows or to abstain from food, let us think of ways to be good to others for their own sake. In case we have no resolution as yet, let us find a resolution that helps us to gather heavenly treasures as the reading has mentioned: to share our resources with those who need it including "not turning your back on your own".

May God in his mercy extend his healing to you and all of your loved ones during this Lenten season of the year 2021!

- Dr. Agnes Berki, Associate Professor in the School of Natural Sciences, Caldwell University


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