February 20, 2021: Saturday After Ash Wednesday

Today's Readings: https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/022021.cfm 

In today's first reading, the lord is asking us to not worry but to take action in helping one another. If we give one another a helping hand we can be stronger together and in your good deeds and in helping the lord you will be rewarded and given the light you have been looking for in yourself. However, this will most likely not happen overnight, this will take time and it will be a building process that is like rebuilding a building. It begins with building a foundation, layers that form a solid structure to be firm, strong, and stable. This is the true foundation of a human person that we are all encouraged to build. 

In our psalm for today, "Teach me your way, O lord, that I may walk in your faith." The Psalm is a clear way of how we should pray to the Lord. Call out to Him, ask Him to help you in your times of trouble. Next, we are encouraged to ask for forgiveness because we are not perfect and we do make mistakes along our journey of faith. Then finally, thanking the Lord because he will help us in our times of trouble. It might take a day or a month or even longer but it will happen because we are never alone, God is always with us on this journey.

Lastly, the Gospel talks about how Jesus did not come to earth to sit around and hang with the popular crowd. He came to help and do work and give us an image of how we are all called be helping others. Those who need our help should be a priority because they are suffering and on on the margins of our society. In other Gospel stories, we hear many times to feed the hungry, clothe the naked and heal the sick. This Gospel is an example of Jesus healing the sick in his public ministry, He is giving us an example of how this is done. However sometimes when we think of "sick" we only think of “sick” as a person with a disease or ailment but we can experience sickness in heart and vision when we do not feel or see God's love. Curing this type of sickness was an integral part of the mission of Jesus. Our invitation this Lent is to reconnect with our Maker to help heal our own sicknesses and to reach out to help heal others.

- Anthony Del Debbio, '23


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