February 21, 2021: First Sunday of Lent

Today's Readings: https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/022121.cfm

 “Show me your ways, Lord,  teach me your paths.” Psalm 25:4-9

In the first reading, we are introduced to the covenant that God establishes with Noah after a massive flood destroys a majority of the world. God establishes a new beginning for us all. He paints a beautiful rainbow in the sky as a symbol of his gift of a new beginning. Noah is offered divine friendship with God and all its creatures for generations to come.

I remember when I was a little girl and my father, Andrew, found recovery through the Grace of God, and Alcoholics Anonymous. It was not only a new beginning for him but for us, and generations to follow. At his passing, we spoke of the miracle of his forty-five years clean and sober. Clearly, this was a blessing to us all and God’s grace. 

Years later my first child, a son, struggled with addiction. My father gave him his original version of the “Big Book.” When my son Matthew, went to rehab, my father planted a pine tree on our property in Matthew's honor. My father knew this was God’s grace and a new beginning for Matthew. Much like God’s symbol to Noah of hope, this was a symbol to our family. 

Matthew now has completed 14 years in Alcoholics Anonymous! He is very successful and is married to a social worker who works in rehabs. They now have a new four-month-old baby boy, our first grandchild. Our precious grandson’s name is none other than Noah Andrew! For his first Christmas gift this year, we gave him a small pine tree to have planted by his house. It is our symbol of hope and new beginnings. 

When I think of Lent I think of new beginnings. “This is the time of fulfillment. The Kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.” Mark 1: 12-15

What are you hopeful for as a new beginning in your life?

- Laura Ziegert, Graduate Admissions, Caldwell University


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