March 13, 2021: Saturday of the Third Week of Lent

Today's Readings:

To me, this collection of readings helps us to remember to be authentic in our spirituality. We are asked to participate in acts of grace with the best of intentions rather than with the goal of impressing others with outward displays. This seems especially important during Lent when it can be easy to make a public show of piety. 

In the First Reading, God tells Ephraim and Judah that their acts of piety are like morning clouds and dew that pass quickly but have no lasting sustenance, because it is Love that He desires, not public sacrifice or ostentatious acts. We are encouraged to return to the Lord for His healing love by turning to Him with love in our own hearts. 

Following this same theme, Jesus tells us in the Second Reading which of the two worshippers at the temple is the truly holy person - and it is the one who quietly acknowledges his own sins and prays for forgiveness, not the one loudly proclaiming his piety. Luke says outright that this parable is directed to those who are convinced of their own righteousness. These words bring us up short, helping us to pause and consider our intentions. It is especially easy to consider ourselves as “among the righteous” during Lent when we are making some kind of deliberate sacrifice over the 40 days. I believe that Jesus is kindly encouraging us to be wary of thinking too much of ourselves for our acts of sacrifice. 

This parable and these readings help us to look carefully at ourselves and consider our intentions, what is in our hearts as we act. As is said in today’s Psalm, God will not spurn sacrifices made with a contrite heart. As we continue through our Lenten journey, these are good words to remember. 

- Virginia H. Rich, JD, MAT, Associate Dean, School of Business and Computer Science, Caldwell University


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