March 18, 2021: Thursday of the 4th Week of Lent

Today's Readings: 

The reading of the day could not be more relative to the world today.  While the last year has made us reflect on what is really important and essential we have come to recognize that it is not the “things” that we truly need but the who and what of our lives.  I do not believe it is wrong to like nice things and to work hard and reward yourself with a treat now and again but realizing that it is a want not a need.  I wonder and hope that the “reset” we have experienced will allow us to truly appreciate the simpleness of the world and shed the weight of having to accumulate.  Many of us have purged during our confinement and I for one have felt lighter and less encumbered because of it. 

The reading goes on to show that our disappointments with others should not be immediately acted up in a negative way.   Often giving others the benefit of the doubt and time is the best option when not agreeing with them.  Take a minute, take a deep breath before you condemn and dismiss others.   Truly putting yourself in someone else’s place is an exercise that would temper many negative responses.

These reflections are nothing new or not even really that deep but sometimes we have to be reminded of the most basic human attributes in order to understand the most complex.


 - Colleen Detroia, Admissions, Caldwell University


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