March 2, 2021: Tuesday of the Second Week of Lent

Today's Readings: 

When considering today's reading from Isaiah 1:10, 16-20, the line, “wash yourselves clean!” stood out the most to me. Like most of you, over the last year I have washed my hands more often than I can count. This action, that thirteen months ago was commonplace and routine, has risen to the forefront of our minds as a way of keeping our community safe and healthy. 

When we get stuck in routines it is easy to forget why the routine exists or to forget its importance, and while some of us spend the majority of our time in the same spaces with the same people the risk of getting stuck in these routines only increases. When we pray are we doing so as part of a routine? Do you pray the words of the Hail Mary every night without considering the meaning of the words? Do we take the time to consider the importance of prayer?

The reading of the day goes on to say, “Put away your misdeeds from before my eyes; cease doing evil; learn to do good.” Prayer should be a step in accomplishing this, a reflection on the day, our shortcomings, and how we can do better the next day. In these times we can certainly use more good in the world but we need to consciously choose to do good because making the right decisions is never easy.

When you pray today, please ask yourself why you are doing so. 

- Devin Lattuga, Class of 2019, Caldwell University


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