March 24. 2021: Wednesday of the 5th Week of Lent

Today's Readings:

To me, both of today’s readings tell us to look at ourselves and decide who we are, what we really believe in our core, and then live our lives following that belief. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the first reading believe so strongly in their God that they will not denounce him even to save their lives.

In the second reading, Jesus tells his followers that it is not enough to just follow him, they must live by his words. In other words, they cannot just say they are followers, they truly must follow the old saying, “what would Jesus do?”.

I’ve been thinking about these readings and the current state of our country and the world. I’ve been trying to formulate how to say what I’m thinking. After all, I’m not even totally sure what I believe anymore when it comes to religion or spirituality. I do believe there is a connection or spark that unites all of us here on planet earth. I think that we are being asked to live our lives actively following our basic core beliefs. Personally, this means I cannot be silent when I see injustice for if I say I believe in equality, humanity, and equal justice (I personally believe that is what Jesus would be doing) then I must speak up. Whether that speaking up involves marching, writing postcards, or just defending someone next to me in line, I must act. Would I have the courage to defy King Nebuchadnezzar and be thrown into the furnace? I’m not so sure. But I hope I could muster the courage to speak out in defense of those being treated unjustly. Food for reflection indeed!

- Maureen McNish, OPA, Retention Specialist, Caldwell University


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