March 8, 2021: Monday of the Third Week of Lent

 Today's Readings:

Being in exile is a core theme from scripture that Christians know all too well. Throughout the Bible, and especially our Gospel for today, time after time followers of God and Jesus find themselves in exile. When Jesus says, "no prophet is accepted in his own native place" He is saying that people of faith will always long for a homeland that is a place of belonging and one where they do feel welcomed. The Christian journey is about always longing for home here on earth. We are called to be prophets not just in exile but to bring the message of Christ to "our native lands".

As Christians our hearts are anchored in God and it is easy to not quite feel at home during our life here on earth. Have you ever felt like a stranger in your homeland, neighborhood, or even your family? Have you ever felt you don't fully belong somewhere? Did you turn to God during these times?

During this third week of Lent let us reflect on the reason we may not feel at home in "our native lands" and the deeper call from Christ to keep our eye on our future home (heaven).

- Meghan Moran, '07, Director, Donor and Alumni Engagement, Caldwell University


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