February 28, 2021: Second Sunday of Lent
Today's Readings: https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/022821.cfm The focus of this Sunday’s Gospel is the Transfiguration of Jesus. In it, there is a statement that reads “This is my beloved Son. Listen to him”. When reading this, one’s first thoughts would be that Peter, James, and John were being told to follow Jesus’ commands. However, my thoughts when reading this made me think of something I often reflect on: listening to and following God’s plan for each of us. Every one of us is on a journey to fulfill God’s will and live out His word in the hope we will be united with Him in heaven, but we are each on our own individual paths in doing so. At times, though, it can be easy to stray from the path. We can be faced with difficult choices, pain and loss, and moments where we find ourselves questioning our faith and God, Himself. In looking back at my own faith journey, I strayed from the path when I was a teenager and continued to for almost five years before finding my...